We strengthen your wings for a powerful take-off

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Why AVIAIR Aviation Training Center?

Competency Based Training Approach (CBTA)

AATC is fully engaged in the effective implementation of the latest ICAO Competency Based Training Approach (CBTA), to ensure that the main focus is placed providing identified Competencies (skills, Knowledges and Aptitude) in relation with the subject of the training.
This is achieve trough the identification of measurable competencies (Skills, Knowledges and Aptitude) in relation with the subject and to be achieved.

Immersive learning with combined learning platforms

The delivery method consist in a combination of diverse learning platforms and tools
to ensure and enhance competency development.
Our instructors deliver the courses through a combination of digital tools and
simulation equipment for practical learning.

Digitalization for a pleasant learning experience

Digitalization is a key lever for efficiency in learning. Many digital platforms and tools are deployed for our learners, namely the Learning Management System, E-Learning System, and tablets/computers for learner’s access to their digital learning environment.

Emphasis on practical learning
For flight deck trainings learners will have the opportunity to benefit of a practical sessions on full motioned flight simulator training devices (FSTD); and for other big emphasis is put on practical exercises on the key competencies of the training.

Build your future today.